4/9/2024 | Crowder State Park | Trenton, MO
Bring your toddlers and other preschool-aged children to our Toddler Tuesday programs. We will meet at the Camp Grand River Recreation Hall at 9 a.m. each Tuesday from April 2 to May 7. There will be a different theme each week as we make a nature craft, read a nature book or two, and do an activity such as a walk to look at nature! Feel free to join us for all six programs or whichever ones you can make it to!
For more information, call the park office at 660-359-6473. These events are free and open to the public, and there is no need to register.
Event dates:
- April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
- May 7
Event times: 9 a.m. - 10 a.m.
Crowder State Park is located at:
Associated activities
- Interpretive Programs