Discovering Hidden Secrets

4/20/2013 | Sam A. Baker State Park | Patterson, MO

The park possesses both natural and cultural resources, making it one of the oldest and most classic state parks in Missouri. Join a park naturalist on this 5-mile hike into Mudlick Natural Area and discover the beautiful natural areas hidden at the park. The hike will take you on a journey past historic hiking shelters, through Mudlick Hollow, and along waterfalls and bluffs. The trail is rugged and steep in most places, so wear sturdy hiking boots and bring plenty of snacks and water. For more information, call the park naturalist at 573-856-4514.

Hike time: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
5580 State Highway 143, Patterson, MO | 573-856-4411

Associated activities

  • Hiking